

XJDF (Exchange Job Definition Format) is a simplified version of JDF. XJDF 2.2 is the second minor version update of XJDF. Whereas the original versions of JDF were based on the idea of a complete electronic job ticket, XJDF  assumes that the job ticket exists only as an internal representation within a management application. Management applications can be but are not limited to MIS (Management Information Systems), Production control systems or Prepress workflow systems. XJDF describes the interface between management applications and applications that execute instructions. In other words XJDF is designed to be a pure information interchange interface. This leads to a significant reduction of complexity compared with the original JDF design. This reduction in complexity should lead to faster, simpler and more robust integration of devices and applications in the graphic arts.


Below is the current final version of the XJDF Specification, as well as the XJDF schema.



XJDF 2.2 final published version

XJDF schemaxjdf 2.2 schemaThis is the schema for XJDF job submission and has all required traits defined as required.


Introduction to XJDF



Getting Involved

You are missing functionality in the XJDF Specification or you have a suggestion how to clarify or improve our Spec? Become part of the CIP4 Community! Please don't hesitate to tell us by creating a new JIRA issue. We would love to discuss your ideas!

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