Subset stapling with corner and side stiches

The following JDF fragment specifies a subset-stapled document, where pages 10-19 are corner-stapled with one staple and pages 20-29 are side stapled with 2 staples. The rest of the document is unstapled.

<JDF Type="Combined" Types="[...] Stitching [...]" [...]>
        <StitchingParams ID="NodeIDStitching" PartIdKeys="RunIndex" NumberOfStitches="0" class="Parameter" Status="Available" >
            <StitchingParams RunIndex="9 ~ 18" NumberOfStitches="1" StitchType="Corner" />
            <StitchingParams RunIndex="19 ~ 28" NumberOfStitches="2" StitchType="Side" />
        <StitchingParamsLink Usage="Input" rRef="NodeIDStitching" />
AuthorJean-Marc Steux
ICS - CategoryIDP - Finishing
Reviewed by<none>