Blog from August, 2019

The final specification review version of PrintTalk 2.0 is now available for download at:

A detailed list of modifications - mostly minor and editorial - can be found at:
PrintTalk 2.0 IP Review

This is the 4th and final call for review of  PrintTalk 2.0 according the CIP4 Intellectual Property Policy:

V. Publication Specification Review:
A final draft of each proposed Specification will be distributed to all Members for review not less than 60 days prior to final acceptance and publication of such Specification and the Member agrees to give, for all patent claims necessary to implement any area of the Specification, via email to the, prior to the expiration of the 60-day review period(…)

The review period commences now and continues until October 19 2019.

Please let me know if you have any Intellectual Property related to PrintTalk 2.0 and if so which of the options you choose to grant:

A.) When requested, Member will grant a license to any such patent claim, at any time issued,
without compensation, to any applicant, regardless of competitive status, desiring to utilize
the license for the purpose of implementing the Specification; or
B.) When requested, Member will grant a license to any such patent claimant any time issued, to
any applicant, regardless of competitive status, under fair and reasonable terms and conditions,
to utilize the license for the purpose of implementing the Specification; or
C.) For each patent claim, at any time issued, that is necessary to implement areas of the Specification,
the Member is not willing to comply with or to give assurances under "A" or "B".

The pre booking date for the hotel expires on September 2. After this date we cannot guarantee any booking in this hotel.

Please mention the code "meeting CIP4 - Océ" in the reservation made by mail to the following address: