Atlassian SourceTree

Atlassian SourceTree


SourceTree is a Git and Mercurial desktop client for developers on Mac or Windows. This client is recommended by CIP4 in order to work with the CIP4 Source Code Repository (GitHub - https://github.com/cip4/). You will find How-To's as well as some more information about SourceTree at the Donwload-URL.



Downloading / Cloning a CIP4 repository

After you installed SourceTree you can clone a repository to your local computer.

(warning) Note that cloned repositories are complete clones that contain all versions anf thus can have a size of a few GB.

  1. Go to https://github.com/cip4/
  2. select a repository
  3. press clone
  4. select "send to sourcetree"
  5. wait...

You can now access the local clone and synchronize changes.