Blog from January, 2024

Spring Interop 2024

The 44. CIP4 Interop and last Interop prior to Drupa is scheduled for March 11-15 in Munich, Germany.

The details are a bit in flux but will be constantly updated - see #44: Munich, Germany

We will follow the usual schedule of 2 1/2 days testing + 2 1/2 days of discussion.

Remote participation is no longer possible due to the removal of covid restrictions.

The beer gardens should be open if weather permits.

I hope to see many of you there in March!

The initial IP review which was officially announced at the CIP4 Interop in Timisoara - September 2023 - is now completed with no comments received.

The specification IP versions #2 of JDF 1.8, XJDF 2.2 and PrintTalk 2.2 are now available for download at: 

JDF 1.8 IP Review

XJDF 2.2 IP Review

PrintTalk 2.2 IP Review

All three specifications are incremental updates with respect to their predecessor specifications:

JDF 1.7 is an incremental upgrade that contains detail changes with respect to JDF 1.6.

XJDF 2.1 is an incremental upgrade that contains detail changes with respect to XJDF 2.0.

PrintTalk 2.1 is an incremental upgrade that contains detail changes with respect to PrintTalk 2.0.

These are the second IP reviews according to CIP4s IP Policy:

V. Publication Specification Review: At least 30 days prior to when the CTO intends to declare that no further substantive changes will be made to the working draft of a Specification, the CTO will make a “Call for final changes to the draft.” During that period all Members are encouraged to review the working draft for patent claims that they may hold that are necessary for the implementation of any area of the Specification. 

Please review the specification drafts carefully and post comments as Adobe fdf files in the tables at 

JDF 1.8 IP Review,

XJDF 2.2 IP Review

PrintTalk 2.2 IP Review

The 30 day review period ends on February 11 2024. Minor technical and editorial modifications may still be applied and will be tracked in the CIP4 issue tracking system:

Thanks to everyone who has invested in making JDF 1.8, XJDF 2.2 and PrintTalk 2.2 happen!

The hotel reservation site for Munich is available at:
The deadline for reservations is March 4.

I hope to see many of you in Munich!