

Project moved

This project was moved to github.com:

For updated information, please visit https://github.com/cip4/Alces.

Alces is a CIP4 Tool for integration and testing of JDF Devices. On the one hand, if you are responsible for the integration in a printing house Alces enables you to test a JDF Interface of a JDF Device in order to find out how its works and if the device is configured on the right way.

Further, Alces is also a very useful tool for JDF Interface developers of JDF Devices. In this case the application plays the role of a Manager and helps to test the JDF compliance of your device. Alces is available in two flavours: one for interactive and manual testing and one for automated testing.

To test a JDF connection enter the URL of the worker system and click the "Discover" button. Alces will then run a JDF bootstrap and check for known devices, known messages and known subscriptions with the request and response of each query displayed to assist with understanding the JMF messaging process. All known devices will populate into a drop list in the left hand menu with queue entries for a device displayed in the lower right hand pane.



Download Alces

This is the latest official release of Alces. A new release is being published for each CIP4 Interop (twice a year). There is also a developer version available which includes the latest features. You will find this version on the page /wiki/spaces/TI/pages/1457554021 in the T&I WG Space.

Open Source

The CIP4 tools are open source and maintained by volunteers. If you would like to improve the quality of these tools either by coding, testing or providing translations to new languages, please sign up here.

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