

The xJdfLib library is a Java library which covers the creation, modification and reading of XJDF documents. Beyond, the library is the CIP4 reference implementation for XJDF patterns and methods. This library is developed in parallel to the XJDF Specification. As the development of the XJDF Specification itself is sill in progress and fundamental changes may happen from time to time, this libraries may also change fundamental functionality without any announcements.



Download xJdfLib

This is the latest official release of JDFLibJ. This version is also available in the Central Maven Repository. There is also a developer version available which includes the latest features. You will find this version on the page /wiki/spaces/TI/pages/1457554372 in the T&I WG Space.

  File Modified

Java Archive xJdfLib-0.11.jar

Sept 10, 2016 by R2 D2


Maven Dependency

Maven Dependency



Project Lead




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Open Source

The CIP4 tools are open source and maintained by volunteers. If you would like to improve the quality of these tools either by coding, testing or providing translations to new languages, please sign up here.

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