This ICS defines the interface between a layout creation tool and a Consumer of the fully-populated Layout Resource that it produces. The layout creation tool may be entirely manually driven, or it may be controlled using the JDF Stripping or LayoutPreparation Processes. Example Consumers include a tool that produces an imposed content file, or a Device or prepress workflow system that performs a RIPing Process including the Imposition Process. When the Consumer is a prepress workflow system, it will be configured in such a way that the JDF instance supplied by the imposition design tool is not merged with JDF from other sources.
The target of Level 1 is mainly RIPs. Level 2 is for workflow systems.
Level 2 of the ICS adds extra information that a workflow system could use (e.g. meta info for double sided proofing). Also, it allows the content to be delivered later, and it is the base for validation for the Detailed-Layout Imposition Profile of [MISPRE-ICS].
For cases where the Consumer (e.g. prepress workflow system) accepts a JDF instance containing an unpopulated, or partially Populated RunList from an imposition design tool, or where that JDF instance is merged with JDF data from elsewhere, see alternative ICS documents that may be available from CIP4.