Blog from November, 2014

We are looking forward to seeing many of you there!

Paris Interop Fall 2015

We've decided on the location for the Fall 2015 which will be in beautiful Paris, France.

A new page with a list of reasonable dates can be found at: #29: Paris, France.

Please edit the table of preferred dates as soon as possible so that we can move on with the detailed plans.


The meeting schedule for teleconferences and face to face meeting has now been migrated to confluence.

 The calendar can now be found at:


See for details on using the confluence calendars. 

The schedule in will remain accessible but no longer be up to date.

 (warning)  (warning) The event is close to cherry blossom time so hotels in Tokyo are filling quickly! (warning)  (warning)

There is a large Prince hotel complex around Shinagawa Station that includes the following hotels:

  • Prince Shinagawa Hotel
  • Grand Prince Takanawa
  • Grand Prince New Takanawa

Please register soon using a travel provider of your choice! There is no CIP4 code.

System Update

Due to some system updates the technical CIP4 infrastructure may be not available for a short period of time on November, the 6th between 1:00 h (CET) and 5:00 h (CET)