

Project moved

This project was moved to github.com:

For updated information, please visit https://github.com/cip4/JDFEditor.

The JDFEditor enables you to display, create, modify and validate JDF Documents and JMF Messages. The application provides a broad range of functionality in order to achieve this. Take creating a new JMF message as an example: select the "New Document" button or equivalent File menu option and a message is displayed asking if you wish to create a JDF, JMF or Golden Ticket file. A drop down list allows the version of JDF to be specified. Select the JMF option and the editor is pre-populated with all elements required for a KnownMessages query. By clicking on the "Send JDF/JMF" button and entering a URL this query can be tested with a JDF compliant system - or the Bambi simulator.

JDF Documents can easily be extended with additional elements and attributes in a well defined manner. 

The validation functionality is a powerful tool to assist when developing and debugging JDF with clear visual indication of any invalid elements.

XPath evaluation is supported for XJDF (or JDF 2.0) documents. More featured XJDF functionality are available by enabling the “Extension Options” in “Tools -> Preferences…”. As a result the JDF Editor will becomes able to convert JDF Documents to XJDF Documents and vice versa.

More details about XJDF and PrintTalk 2.0 can you find on the page “XJDF / PrintTalk 2.0″.



Download JDFEditor

This is the latest official release of JDFEditor. A new release is being published for each CIP4 Interop (twice a year). There is also a developer version available which includes the latest features. You will find this version on the page /wiki/spaces/TI/pages/1457553961 in the T&I WG Space.

Open Source

The CIP4 tools are open source and maintained by volunteers. If you would like to improve the quality of these tools either by coding, testing or providing translations to new languages, please sign up here.

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