Venue Requirements

Venue Requirements

Meeting Venue

  • One or Two dedicated Rooms
    • Room 1 (with app 30 to 50 seats, in line with the number of expected attendees)
      • Ethernet port (see "Internet Connection")
      • Seating:
        • Monday, Tuesday: small groups of tables (each with 4-6 seats) scattered in the room
        • Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: U-Shaped with the opening facing the projection area
    • (Optional) Breakout Room 2 (app. 20 seats)
      • Seating:
        • small groups of tables (each with 4-6 seats) scattered in the room
      • If the room is not close to "Room 1" please give feedback to Michel Hartmann, so that we can check what we do about the WiFi
  • Food & Drinks
    • Lots of coffee all day long (espresso welcome)
    • Snacks in the morning and in the afternoon, even more (Perhaps a balance of sweets vs. savory)
  • Internet Connection
    • Feel free to contact infrastructure@cip4.org if you need assistance in clarifying these technical issues with the hotel.
    • Broadband internet connection (50 MBit/s) proved for huge data volume
    • CIP4 brings its own /wiki/spaces/TI/pages/1469088120 so we need an Ethernet port (RJ-45) in "Room 1" (with internet connection (big grin))
      • Reason: We had a lot of bad experience and lost time with broken Hotel/University-WiFis
      • Hint: the router hides all users behind a NAT, so if there is a per-user-limit in the network of the venue, all participants will have to share it
      • The upstream connection must allow outgoing VPN connections
    • Some wired internet connection must be available for those attendees that can't use Wifi.
  • Presentational Equipment
    • Video-Projector with HDMI-input and enough to overcome the daylight (Some individuals don't like to sit in the dark)
    • Whiteboard or Flipchart (with Consumables)

Geographical Requirements

The location should be accessible reasonably by public transport from international locations

  • This essentially means either an airport with a reasonable number of connections / day or a high speed train station with acces to an international airport.

Hotel Venue

The meeting venue and the hotel venue can, but do not have to be, in the same location. For the Hotel Venue there is some limit on the price of the hotel nights. The price per night at the Hotel Venue should be:

  • Around in the 100 Euro / 120 USD to 120 Euro / 140 USD range (including breakfast and Wifi).
  • In a fairly central location so evening dinner and drinks are in walking distance
  • If in a more remote location there should be public transport from and to the hotel that is available until around midnight

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