#32: Cambridge, United Kingdom

#32: Cambridge, United Kingdom

Find Dates

The following a list of suggestions of weeks for the Interop. The finally selected Week has to be marked by a green background.

WeekTradeshow notesHoliday notes
March 20-25

March 27-31selected week
April 3-7
school holiday UK
April 10-14
Good Friday
April 17-21
April 24-28
Adjacent May 1 weekend

Focus Topics

  • XJDF Status and last orders
    • PrintTalk 2.0
  • JDF 1.6 IP review
  • ICS
    • ISO 21812-1 PDF Metadata
  • Update Interoperability Matrix on website
  • Wednesday will be JDF/XJDF User day

Issues for Discussion

We will discuss all JIRA issues which are labeled with InterOp-32-London. The goal is to resolve the issues although not necessarily words mything to the final dotted i and crossed t.

type key summary status

Hosted by

Meeting Details
HostImprint Business Systems Limited
DateMarch 27-31 2017
Contact PersonNick Bourne
Phone+44 (0) 1245 231 670

Table of Contents

  • Find a host - The host has to be found (@TSC)
  • Select a week - Select a week for the CIP4 InterOp (@TSC)
  • Define Topics - Define main topics discussed within the InterOp (@TSC/WG members)
  • Meeting Rooms - Find meeting rooms PLUS Equipment (@Host)
  • Meeting Room Equipment - e. g. Internet Access, Beamer, Printer etc (@Host) 
  • Organize a Hotel - Organization of a hotel close the the meeting rooms (@Host)
  • Social Event - Organization of the traditional Wednesday Evening Social Event (@Host)
  • Promote InterOp - Write a mail to all CIP4 Members (@CIP4 Secretariat)
  • Photos - Take photos and upload to Confluence

Meeting Room

Name Latimer Room
Address5 minute walk from accommodation block through the college grounds.
Website https://clareconferencing.com/rooms/latimer-room/
NotesPlease see https://clareconferencing.com/conference-rooms/ We are in the larger purple square. More in depth map on page above.
Welcome Pack and Informationhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/ttsdx4rfkmmyk9l/Welcome%20Pack.pdf?dl=0

Link to Connectivity Page: /wiki/spaces/TI/pages/1457553916

Preliminary Time Table

TimeRoom 1Room 2
Monday09:00 - 09:30Interop Setup
09:30 - 18:00Interop / Testing
Tuesday09:00 - 18:00Interop / Testing
Wednesday09:00 - 11:00
User/Press Meeting
11:05 - 12:00
User/Press Meeting 
12:00 - 13:00Lunch

13:00 - 14:50

XJDF Last Orders

14:50 - 15:00

15:00 - 16:30 XJDF Last Orders
17:00 Shutdown laptops
16:30-17:00 Walk to reception

17:00 - 20:00

Evening social event
Thursday09:00 - 10:00 XJDF Last Orders

10:00 - 10:55

XJDF Last Orders

10:55 - 11:05


11:05 - 12:00

JDF 1.6 Timeline and Features

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 14:00

XJDF Last Orders

14:00 - 14:55

XJDF Last Orders

14:55 - 15:05


15:05 - 16:00

16:05 - 18:00

Friday09:00 - 09:55 Matrix review and update

10:00 - 11:00

IDP ICS discussions / best practice

11:00 - 11:55

PrintCondition in Digital Printing JDF 1.6?
12-12:30PDF/VT Metadat address synchronization

12:35 - 13:30


13:30 - 16:00


Hotel Recommendations

NameClare College Conferencing

Memorial Court

Queens Road

Phone+44 (0)1223 333203
NotesPlease note you will require the following PROMO CODE: 'IMPRINT2017' to reveal the available rooms and special pricing. Please note if you are arriving on Sunday evening it is advised to take the short walk into Cambridge City Centre which has a host of food options for varied tastes and purses.




It'll be raining.  Think Belgium but more interesting (smile).

Evening Social event

The most important bit..!!

We are all to meet out the front of Memorial Court at 17.30 to board a coach that will be taking us there.

We will be leaving from Memorial Court on a coach to The Centre for Computing History where they have a large collection of vintage IT goodies. They have  almost all variations of personal computers dating from the 70’s. There is also an impressive collection of vintage games consoles to have a play on. We will be having a 45min-1 hour long guided tour.

The evening meal will be hosted in a private dining room at the Pint Shop on Peas Hill.

This place specialises in a fresh seasonal menu and a fantastic and extensive beer menu.

The meal will be from 8pm

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