#40: Barcelona, Spain (Sant Cugat)

#40: Barcelona, Spain (Sant Cugat)

Find Dates

The following a list of suggestions of weeks for the Interop. Typically an InterOp will take place in spring or in fall. The finally selected Week has to be marked by a green background.

WeekTradeshow notesHoliday notes
April 4-8Culinary event, but not large enough to impactNone. 
April 11-15
Easter (Good Friday)
April 18-22
Easter Monday
April 25-29

May 2-6
May 1 is on a sunday
May 9-13
This is the finalized selected week.
May 16-20

InterOp Registration

Since Covid is still prevalent, please ensure that you follow all necessary precautions. We will assume that all participants are vaccinated or regularly tested. Please refrain from participating if you feel that you cannot comply.

Dial In

Remote dial in will be available for the technical meetings from Wednesday afternoon to Friday:
standard goto meeting at meet.cip.org (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/869126039#s)

Focus Topics

  • Certification procedure
    • Create certification check list
    • review certification in the matrix
  • Review MIS ICS 2.x
  • Review JDF 1.x ICSs
  • Finalize Base / MIS / JMF / Prepress / Wide Format / IDP ICSs

Issues for Discussion

We will discuss all JIRA issues which are labeled with InterOp-40. The goal is to resolve the issues although not necessarily words mything to the final dotted i and crossed t.

type key summary status

Hosted by

DateMay 9-13

Meeting Details

Table of Contents

  • Find a host - The host has to be found (@TSC)
  • Select a week - Select a week for the CIP4 InterOp (@TSC)
  • Define Topics - Define main topics discussed within the InterOp (@TSC/WG members)
  • Meeting Rooms - Find meeting rooms PLUS Equipment (@Host)
  • Meeting Room Equipment - e. g. Internet Access, Beamer, Printer etc (@Host) 
  • Organize a Hotel - Organization of a hotel close the the meeting rooms (@Host)
  • Social Event - Organization of the traditional Wednesday Evening Social Event (@Host)
  • Promote InterOp - Write a mail to all CIP4 Members (@CIP4 Secretariat)
  • Photos - Take photos and upload to Confluence

Meeting Room


Violet Room



Website www.cip4.org

AttendeePrepresentingWill Attend in PersonDate of ArrivalDate of Departure

Will Attend Social Event

(please vote below)


Vote in Poll Below, but indicate here with a  or an (error)  -    I will attend 

May 8May 15
Rainer ProsiHeidelberg(tick)May 8May 14(tick)
Koen Van de PoelAgfaMay 8May 12
Ron van DuinDatalineMay 8 (late)May 13 (noon)
Christoph KrohnDatalineMay 8 (late)May 11
Stephan RichterHeidelbergMay 8May 13
Nick BourneImprint

May 8 (late)May 11
Henny van EchOptimusMay 7May 14
Matthias Heinzctrl-sMay 10(afternoon)May 13 (noon)
Stefan MeissnerVista(tick)May 8 (late)May 12 (morning)(tick)
Michel HartmannFLYERALARM(tick)May 8 (late)May 11(error)
Adrian SimaCanon Production PrintingMay 8May 13
Roxana Davidescu (Unlicensed)Canon Production PrintingMay 8May 13

Link to Connectivity Page: /wiki/spaces/TI/pages/1457553916

Time Table

If any time remains, it will be filled by walking through more Jira issues.

TimeRoom 1Room 2
Monday09:00 - 09:30Interop Setup
09:30 - 18:00Interop / Testing
Tuesday09:00 - 18:00Interop / Testing
Wednesday09:00 - 11:00Interop / Testing
11:05 - 12:00 Interop / Testing
12:00 - 13:00Lunch
13:00 - 15:00MIS ICS 2.0
15:00 - 16:00Cloud focus
16:00Shutdown laptops, - go to terrace outside hotel
16:00 - 17:00Outside Terrasa  - We will have tapas and a glass of wine/beer/etc. on the terrace outside of the hotel between 16:00-17:00 (miss this at your own peril or you may be hungry later, dinner is not until 20:45 seating.)
17:00 - 17:45Walk to train for trip to Plaça Catalunya. (10 min walk)
18:15 - 20:15

Guided tour of the "Gothìc", ending for a tour of the Barcino Roman History Museum - Tours de Chris Inc.


20:45Dinner in Plaça del Reial (This is early by Spanish standards)
23:00-One of many trains back to Hotel (roughly every 10 min)
Thursday09:00 - 10:00

Conventional Printing ICS

10:00 - 10:55

Wide Format ICS

10:55 - 11:05


11:05 - 12:00

Certification and Interop matrix

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 14:00

Certification and Interop matrix

14:00 - 14:55

1.7 ICS finalization

14:55 - 15:05


15:05 - 16:45

1.7 ICS finalization

17:00 - 18:30

Advisory Board meeting (AB members only)
Friday9:00-10:00Wide Format ICS

10:00 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:55


11:55 - 13:30


13:30 - 16:00

TSC (if required)

Hotel Recommendations


Hotel Sant Cugat


Hotel Sant Cugat

Cèsar Martinell, 208172 - Sant Cugat del Vallès

Tel +34 93 544 26 70
Fax +34 93 544 26 71

They blocked 10 rooms for the meeting.

Room rate: 120€ incl. breakfast and tax

The room code is "CIP4 STANDARTS 08.05.22"
(I know lol)

To obtain our rate: one must send an e-mail to "Rosa" at reservas@hotel-santcugat.com writing the code, and the days they want to book the room.

Rosa will answer saying how to book.

If we think we will need more than 10 rooms, we can tell them and they will add some more. (up until 14 days prior)


+34 93 544 26 70




(see column to the right)




Sant Cugat del Vallès Spain

Regarding COVID-19- 

Due to the arise of the latest variant of the times, we have delayed the Interop until early May. While we still heavily encourage in-person attendance, we will once again provide for a remote connection (for the working-group meetings only obviously.)


To Barcelona

To hotel: Sant Cugat is well-situated with access to the heart of Barcelona for €1 each way, and trains that run every 5 minutes ro so. Taxi may be the easiest option directly from the Airport, but could cost €60 or more.

By car

Parking may be difficult in the centrum as traffic has been under limits there, unless you have local parking arrangements. Public transportation or taxi is likely preferable. 

By air:

Arrival at BCN Barcelona Pratt Airport

Public transportation from Airport (information about a regular train is available to several destinations in downtown Barcelona from this link):


Typically around 20+º C (70-75º F) degrees with sunshine. Weather should be nearly perfect this time of year.

Evening Social event:

We will begin with a brief gathering in the lobby. and go to the centrum of Barcelona for a much-esteemed guided tour by Chris, and a tour of the Barcino Roman History Museum. We will complete the evening at a restaurant, and those who feel adventurous can explore what Barcelona downtown has to offer, or go back to Sant Cugat on regular trains that run frequently until midnight.

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