#38: Antwerp, Belgium

#38: Antwerp, Belgium

Find Dates

The following a list of suggestions of weeks for the Interop. Typically an InterOp will take place in spring or in fall. The finally selected Week has to be marked by a green background.

We should aim for an earlier interop to be as far away from drupa as is reasonable.

WeekTradeshow notesHoliday notes
 March 9-13
selected week

InterOp Registration

Rainer Prosi, Chris Heric , Koen Van de Poel, Carl can Rooy, Ron van Duin (Unlicensed), Henny van Esch, Windsor Tanner, Stephan Richter, Former user (Deleted), Jörg Hüner, Thomas Fischer-Radtke, Andreas Elchlepp, Marc Gantenberg, René Mølsted, Former user (Deleted)

Dial In is ROOM2.CIP4.org

Focus Topics

Issues for Discussion

We will discuss all JIRA issues which are labeled with InterOp-38. The goal is to resolve the issues although not necessarily words mything to the final dotted i and crossed t.

type key summary status

Hosted by

Meeting Details
Host Agfa
Date March 9-13 2020
Contact Person

Table of Contents

  • Find a host - The host has to be found (@TSC)
  • Select a week - Select a week for the CIP4 InterOp (@TSC)
  • Define Topics - Define main topics discussed within the InterOp (@TSC/WG members)
  • Meeting Rooms - Find meeting rooms PLUS Equipment (@Host)
  • Meeting Room Equipment - e. g. Internet Access, Beamer, Printer etc (@Host) 
  • Organize a Hotel - Organization of a hotel close the the meeting rooms (@Host)
  • Social Event - Organization of the traditional Wednesday Evening Social Event (@Host)
  • Promote InterOp - Write a mail to all CIP4 Members (@CIP4 Secretariat)
  • Photos - Take photos and upload to Confluence

Meeting Room


Agfa Auditorium 1

AddressSeptestraat 27  2640 Mortsel

 Mieke De Bie


+32 3 444 41 61

Website www.agfa.com
Parking available even overnight (ask ticket at entrance)
Pickup badge at entrance, but need to register at least 1 work day in advance to prepare badges.
Small lunch provided.
Transportation from hotel: mini bus or tramway nr. 15 direction Mortsel, exit Hendrik Cuypers.
Do not use tramway nr. 7 anymore as it is blocked by railworks towards Agfa.

Link to Connectivity Page: /wiki/spaces/TI/pages/1457553916

Time Table

If any time remains, it will be filled by walking through more Jira issues.

TimeRoom 1Room 2Room 3
Monday09:00 - 09:30Interop Setup

09:30 - 18:00Interop / Testing

Tuesday09:00 - 18:00Interop / Testing

Wednesday09:00 - 11:00Interop / Testing

11:05 - 12:00 Interop / Testing

12:00 - 13:00Lunch

13:00 - 14:50

ICS and spec philosophy and next steps

  • JDF
  • XJDF
  • PrintTalk

14:50 - 15:00

15:45Shutdown laptops, walk to demo room
16:00 - 17:00Demo wide format and cutting
17:00 - 17:45Head to hotel, leave laptops
18:00 - 20:15Underground Antwerp (Ruien)
Thursday09:00 - 10:00

Ganging workflow

10:00 - 10:55

Ganging workflow

10:55 - 11:05


11:05 - 12:00

Ganging workflow

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 14:00


Automated Imposition

14:00 - 14:55


Automated Imposition and wide format

14:55 - 15:05


15:05 - 16:45

JSON Mapping

17:00 - 18:30

Advisory Board meeting (AB members only)

Friday09:00 - 09:55 PrintTalk

10:00 - 11:00

Jira issues

11:00 - 11:55

Summary and Feedback

11:55 - 13:30


13:30 - 16:00


Hotel Recommendations


Theater Hotel


Arenbergstraat 30, 2000 Antwerpen


03 203 54 10






Use booking reference 64712.

Price about 80 euro (including breakfast)

Use Parking Arenberg (direct exit to hotel)


Regarding COVID-19

Agfa is following up closely on the situation, but currently there are no known cases in Antwerp region or at this Agfa site.

Follow the usual precautions (like not traveling when you were in a problem region like China, Iran, North Italy during the last 2 weeks, or feeling ill, or been in contact with infected people) . Agfa will provide for alcohol gel in the meeting rooms.

We understand of course that you or your company may have concerns regarding traveling.

So if you decide to cancel for the meetings, please mail Koen and remove yourself from both lists so that others know too. Then we can adjust the catering and hopefully meet you again at the next interop!

And contact the hotel, they are flexible.


To Agfa

By car: use visitors parking across visitors entrance (can stay overnight on request)

Agfa is outside the LEZ zone but for most exits of the ring road, you need to pass through it. Plan carefully your exit. You need to register your car first, need Euro Norm 5. Need to fill in some forms and provide picture of your car documents.

See https://www.slimnaarantwerpen.be/en/LEZ/register-your-vehicle

By public transport

Stop: Kuipers

Tramway line 15 (to P+R Boechout) from hotel or Antwerp Central Station (nr. 7 is blocked)

or bus line 90/91 (to Lier/Waarloos) or short taxi ride from Antwerp Berchem station (arriving from airport)

To hotel

By car: use parking Arenberg.

Note that is inside the LEZ (low emission zone) so you need to check and register (at least Euro Norm 5)  your car at:

See https://www.slimnaarantwerpen.be/en/LEZ/register-your-vehicle

Walking: about 20 min. walk from central station

By public transport: line 15 (to Linkeroever) from Antwerp Central Station

By air

Brussels airport (Zaventem) and then

  to hotel: train (fastest) or airport bus to Antwerp Central Station

  to Agfa: train to Antwerp Berchem station and then taxi or bus

Amsterdam (Schiphol) and then train to Antwerp Central Station

Tickets public transportation

It can be difficult to buy tickets on the tram.

Cheapest and easiest is to buy a carnet of 10 ticket for 16 euro at a vending machine (station or metro station) or small shops. Check in advance. Or internet if you have a wallet.

It is also possible to buy a ticket with your phone if your provider allows (but more expensive).


Typically around 10 degrees with showers.

Evening Social event

For more details see: https://ruien.be/en/

It is not difficult but involves some walking and climbing stairs.

16h - 17h: shutdown laptops, walk to Agfa wide format demo center for demo of wide format printing and cutting

17h: public transport to hotel, leave laptops

17h45: gathering and walking to townhouse for visit to underground of Antwerp 'Ruien'.

18h (second group 18:15): start visit

  • You will get special boots and rain trousers/jackets to cover)
  • First a small trip with boat (if water level permits) and then walking trough the 'belly' of Antwerp.
  • Warning: this requires descending some small stairs and some parts are a bit slippery.  But don't be afraid. See web site.
  • Afterwards another walk of 15 minutes to the restaurant

20h45: evening meal (in medieval cellar "Pelgrom")

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