#30: Montreal, Canada March 7-11 2016

#30: Montreal, Canada March 7-11 2016

Find Dates - Last meeting before Drupa

The following a list of suggestions of weeks for the Interop. Typically an InterOp will take place in spring or in fall. The finally selected Week has to be marked by a green background. 

WeekTradeshow notesHoliday notes
March 7-11
final week
March 14-18
suggested week #2 - includes St. Patricks day
March 21-25Taga meetingGood Friday + Easter week
March 28-April 1
Easter Monday Week
April 4-8

April 11-15

April 18-22

April 25-29

Link to Connectivity Page: /wiki/spaces/TI/pages/1457553916

Focus issues

  • Digital Finishing ICS
  • Variable data in product intent
  • metadata in pdf/vt
  • XJDF
  • Digital Cutting ICS
  • Last Pre-Drupa Test meeting
  • More tbd

Issues for Discussion

We will discuss all JIRA issues which are labeled with InterOp-30-Montreal. The goal is to resolve the issues although not necessarily wordsmithing to the final dotted i and crossed t.

type key summary status

Time Table

TimeRoom 1Room 2Room 3
Monday09:00 - 09:30Interop Setup

09:30 - 18:00Interop / Testing

Tuesday09:00 - 18:00Interop / Testing

Wednesday08:00 - 10:00Customer Focus Brunch

10:30 - 12:00Interop / Testing

12:00 - 13:00Lunch

13:00 - 14:50


14:50 - 15:00

15:00 - 16:30 XJDF Issue JIRA Review

16:30 Shutdown laptops
16:30-17:00 Walk to reception

17:00 - 20:00

Evening social event

Thursday09:00 - 10:00 Metadata in PDF PDF/VT

10:00 - 10:55

Metadata in PDF PDF/VT

10:55 - 11:05


11:05 - 12:00

Variable Data in Product Intent

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:55


14:55 - 15:05


15:05 - 16:00


16:05 - 18:00


18:00 - 19:00Best Practice Telcon with Japan

Friday09:00 - 09:55 XJDF

10:00 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:55

Summary of JDFissues / wrapup / feedback

11:55 - 13:30


13:30 - 17:00


Hosted by

Meeting Details
HostUltimate TechnoGraphics
DateMarch 7-11 2016
Contact Person

Table of Contents

  • Find a host - The host has to be found (@TSC)
  • Select a week - Select a week for the CIP4 InterOp (@TSC)
  • Define Topics - Define main topics discussed within the InterOp (@TSC/WG members)
  • Meeting Rooms - Find meeting rooms PLUS Equipment (@Host)
  • Meeting Room Equipment - e. g. Internet Access, Beamer, Printer etc (@Host) 
  • Organize a Hotel - Organization of a hotel close the the meeting rooms (@Host)
  • Social Event - Organization of the traditional Wednesday Evening Social Event (@Host)
  • Promote InterOp - Write a mail to all CIP4 Members (@CIP4 Secretariat)
  • Photos - Take photos and upload to Confluence

Meeting Room

Name Loft Hotel Meeting Room
Address 334 Terasse St Denis, Montréal QC H2X 1E8
Phone 888-414-5638
Website lofthotel.ca
Notes Room 500 - Salle 500

Hotel Recommendations

To ensure your room and rate, it is recommended to contact hotel asap and mention CIP4 Group: info@lofthotel.ca

Name Loft Hotel
Address 334 Terasse St Denis, Montréal QC H2X 1E8
Phone 888-414-5638
Website lofthotel.ca

 To ensure your room and rate, it is recommended to contact hotel asap: info@lofthotel.ca 

Group Room Rate: 129.00$ Canadian Currency: See www.xe.com for conversion.
Includes Breakfast and Internet. Additional Taxes may apply.

To Get this rate mention your are with the CIP4 Group. The reservation will require a deposit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This hotel has a limited number of rooms, to ensure you get a room at this hotel, it is highly recommended to email them as soon as possible. Reservations by email and phone for group rate are accepted.



For more detailed information on how to get to Montreal, please visit: http://www.tourisme-montreal.org/Travel-Information/Getting-to-Montreal 

By Air:

Located only 20 minutes from downtown, Montréal-Trudeau International Airport is one of the most important in Canada with direct flights from some 40 carriers to over 130 international destinations in Canada, the United States and abroad.

There is a Bus service from the Airport to Downtown Montreal: http://www.admtl.com/en/access/transports/buses-747-express 

Taxis from Airport to Montreal at Fixed rate of 40$ Canadian Currency are also available: http://www.admtl.com/en/access/taxis-limousines

By Train:

Montreal's central station is at 895 de la Gauchetiere West Montréal, QC, H3B 4G1, Canada. For more information on train tickets: http://www.viarail.ca/en/explore-our-destinations/stations/quebec/montreal 

By Bus:

Montreal's main bus station is at 1717, rue Berri Montréal (Québec) H2L 4E9. For more information on bus tickets: http://www.gamtl.com/en/bienvenue/default.aspx

By Car:

If you are travelling by car from elsewhere in Canada or the United States, Montréal can be easily accessed by highway. The island of Montréal is only 75 kilometres (46 miles) from the US border, and many roads and expressways lead to the city, including the Trans-Canada Highway. Depending on your point of origin, you may take one of the major bridges—Champlain, Jacques-Cartier or Victoria, or the Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine bridge tunnel—to head downtown.

Getting Around Montreal:

Montreal Bus and Metro (Subway): http://www.stm.info/en 

Taxi: http://montreal.about.com/od/gettingaroundtown/a/montreal_taxis.htm 


Average Weather in Montreal in March is difficult to predict. Early March however should be closer to winter season weather than spring season. Expect freezing weather, with temperatures between -5 Celsius and -20 Celsius. Expect snow on the ground as well. Montreal is well organised for snow removal at the airport and for roads and sidewalks.  For more information: http://www.accuweather.com/en/ca/montreal/h2k/march-weather/56186

It is recommended to bring boots, winter jacket and possibly some gloves and winter accessories.

Other Information:
For more information on what to do when visiting Montreal: http://www.tourisme-montreal.org/

For a list of restaurants and reviews: http://guiderestos.com/montreal/ and http://www.restomontreal.ca/ 

Winter Sports:
Outdoor skating is available in Old Montreal. http://www.tourisme-montreal.org/What-To-Do/Activities/old-port-montreal-ice-skating-rink 
Ski hills at about 1 hour drive from city center. https://skibromont.com/ - http://www.montsaintsauveur.com/ - http://www.tremblant.ca/

Name of Meeting Room TBDWednesday morning customer focus brunch

Target Audience

  • Customers
  • Students
  • Integrators

  • Enable networking

Focus Topics

  • JDF / XJDF what's new
  • Printer success stories (ROI)
  • Where can we improve?


  • Mixed English / French presentation
  • Coffee / Croissants
  • Advertising with ASN / Press...


Boulder Gym

NameShakti Rock Gym

175 St. Viateur Est, Montreal


Evening Social Event


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