Perfect Binding (CoverApplication)

This jobs prints a cover duplex cover sheet on large media (> A3) and and the content on A4, and creates a perfect bound document by gluing the cover sheet arround the content.

<JDF Types="[...] DigitalPrinting CoverApplication" Activation="Active" [...] >
        <Media ID="Media_Cover" Dimension="1198.0 842.0" [...] />
        <Media rRef="Media_Content" Dimension="595.0 842.0" [...] />
        <DigitalPrintingParams [...] >
            <MediaRef rRef="Media_Content " />
            <DigitalPrintingParams RunIndex="0 ~ 1" [...] >
                <MediaRef rRef="Media_Cover" />
            <DigitalPrintingParams RunIndex="2 ~ 49" [...] >
                <MediaRef rRef="Media_Content " />
        <CoverApplicationParams [...] />
        <Component ID="Component_Intermediate" ComponentType="PartialProduct" PartIDKeys="RunIndex" [...] >
            <Component RunIndex="0 ~ 1" />
            <Component RunIndex="2 ~ 49" />
        <Component ID="Component_Final" ComponentType="FinalProduct" [...] />
        <CoverApplicationParamsLink Usage="Input" [...] />
        <ComponentLink rRef="Component_Intermediate" Usage="Input" CombinedProcessIndex="9" Orientation="Rotate0" /[...] >
        <ComponentLink rRef="Component_Final" Usage="Output" Amount="1.0" CombinedProcessIndex="9" [...] />
AuthorJean-Marc Steux
ICS - Category
Reviewed by<none>