Booklet finishings : folding, saddle stitching, trimming

Booklet finishings : folding, saddle stitching, trimming

Booklet document with complete finishing: Half-folding, saddle stitching, trimming.

<JDF Type="Combined" Types="[...] Folding Stitching Trimming" [...] >
        <!-- Booklet folding: F4-1 -->
        <FoldingParams Status="Available" ID="ID_Folding" class="Parameter" FoldCatalog="F4-1" />
        <!-- Booklet stitching: 2 saddle stitches -->
        <StitchingParams ID="ID_Stitch" Status="Available" class="Parameter" NumberOfStitches="2" StitchType="Saddle" />
        <!-- Triming specifies the height and width dimensions and to trim cover also -->
        <TrimmingParams ID="ID_Trim" Status="Available" class="Parameter" Height="800.0" Width="500.0" TrimCover="Both" />
        <!-- Output resource from Stacking (last process) -->
        <Component ID="OutputComponent" Status="Unavailable" class="Quantity" ComponentType="FinalProduct" />
AuthorJean-Marc Steux
ICS - CategoryIDP - Finishing
Reviewed by<none>



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