Insert sheets as banner job with operator instructions

Insert sheets as banner job with operator instructions

The following JDF defines that a banner page base on the model "MyBanner" must be used. It includes the text "Instruction for operator".

<JDF Type="Combined" Types="[...] DigitalPrinting [...]" [...] >
        <RunList ID="NodeIDRunList" class="Parameter" Status="Available" [...] >
        <LayoutPreparationParams ID="NodeIDRunList" class="Parameter" Status="Available" [...]>
            <InsertSheet SheetType="JobSheet" IsWaste="true" SheetUsage="Trailer" SheetFormat="Standard" >
                <!-- This specifies the device template to be used -->
                <Layout Name="MyBanner">
                    <MarkObject CTM="1 0 0 1 0 0" >
                        <!-- This specifies the operator text for the template. The attribute ShowList is useless but mandatory[...] -->
                        <JobField OperatorText="Instruction for operator" ShowList="OperatorText" />
                    <MediaRef rRef="MediaId1" />
        <Media ID="MediaId1" [...] />
        <RunListLink Usage="Input" rRef="NodeIDRunList" />
AuthorJean-Marc Steux
ICS - CategoryIDP - InsertSheets
Reviewed by<none>

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