Interop 35, Session Agenda
Interop 35, Session Agenda
Status of ISO 21812-1 (PDF Metadata)
Short update
XJDF next steps
Review registries of new NMTOKENS and return codes between versions?
- Which areas are missing?
- Is the process working?
XJDF 2.1 Compatibility philosopy
Should we allow new required traits, thus breaking backwards compatibility or are all 2.x versions fully backwards compatible? i.e. Any valid 2.0 shall be valid 2.1.
See - JDF-398Getting issue details... STATUS
Focus Improvements to XJDF
Using (X)JDF in the cloud
- Quality Control
- Print Procurement
XJDF ICS Roadmap
ICS editing tools Status
Print Procurement ICS
Quality Control ICS
XJDF ICS roadmap
- No Base ICS required
- Add XJMF ICS - aim for 2 levels:
- submit only
- submit + queue support (including QueueStatus)
- Option: move MIS to a level in XJMF ics / review number of levels
- Add Ink Consumption
- Single ResourceInfo that contains partitioned resource
- Single ResourceInfo that contains partitioned resource
- LotID for food/medical
- Power Consumption: Totaliser is OK
- Prepress ICS
- Stripping examples that merge the BinderySignature
- Add examples
- Finishing ICS (TBD Markus)
- Conventional Printing ICS
- very few changes
- details of ink consumption
- PreCP - not required in XJDF
- ODP - no champion
- IDP + Wide Format (combined)
- Ramifications of moving from LayoutPrep to Stripping with automated layout
- Use cases
- Examples to verify the specification
- Ganging workflow
- App note on use of ProductList/Product
- Ink Consumption
- Ramifications of moving from LayoutPrep to Stripping with automated layout
Use of XJDF with PDF/VT
- Identify Use cases of pdf/vt
Which existing ICSs need to be updated?
- We need a champion for each proposal
Example registry
Annotation procedure
- ICS or ICSs that the sample is valid for
- use case that the example illustrates (comments on what and why and how)
- sample status (new, reviewed,... - see JDF)
Registry location in Confluence
- Sort by use case and reference ICSs in sample
Quality assurrance of posted examples
Is schema validation sufficient for XJDF? yes, but additional review is desireable.
Is CheckJDF validation +schema validation sufficient for JDF? yes, but additional review is desireable.
Use snippets in the in the extracted text but attach valid and complete examples to each sample.
Website and interop matrix
Interop Matrix
Live updates
Review of the site structure
Review of the website:
- What is missing in the FAQ?
- How to add XJDF to the website without getting too technical?
Interop organization improvements
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